What should I do about my Situation?

Listen Brother...

We are always going to point back to the 4 things inside the Program:

  1. Complete the Course Work.
  2. Do the 4 Core Exercises.
  3. Show up to the Weekly Coaching Calls.
  4. Connect with other men in the Brotherhood.

It is going to take time to get your life exactly where you want it.

But through daily consistency and doing the work, you will find yourself not only moving on, but stepping into a new world of possibilities where you can create the life that you desire across every layer.


If you're doing all of this and still feel like you need some extra guidance and support, you can reach out to support@genuineattraction.com to get scheduled for a Hot Seat in Ed's weekly coaching call, or, schedule a 1on1 with one of our Coaches through your App and they will ensure that you win.

We love you man, you are not alone, and we are available at whatever capacity you need.

-Genuine Attraction

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